Sunday 17 February 2013

General chit chat / How to follow me

Just a bit of a general bit of chit chat bit of update on life because who doesn't like to be a bit nosy now and again?

1) My dissertation is due in two-three weeks so PANIC's on and I seem to be living in the library everyday with this my apologies if I don't blog as much over next few weeks but I will try and get at least one in a week :) then I'm free to blog when ever .
2) I booked my flights to Canada this week ... so excited and my best friend is also taking part in the camp Canada program so I'm thinking once my dissertation is out of the way I will do a post about Canada once every two weeks. This will include preparations , what I'm taking and such like ... I'm even going to try and get Bryony to post her preparations now and again.
3) It's finally getting a bit warmer so Spring clothes and beauty is on it's way (mind last time I said this it snowed the next day )

Following me? :  

1)  Google friend connect 
Possibly the easiest way to follow and you can do this by clicking the link to the right... all you need is a twitter or Google account .

2) Bloglovin 
I recently put my blog up on bloglovin which is a really great way of following a great range of blogs in one easy place. I literally go on bloglovin everyday to see all the recent posts fellow bloggers have put up it's just so easy to see them all in one place ... I am a bit lazy haha
Bloglovin or you can click on the blog lovin tab on the right hand side of my homepage

3) Twitter 
I LOVE twitter !  If you wanna ask me anything , fancy a chat  anything you can find me @brigid_farrell 

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